WHO Poll

Gary Darkness 1:50 Thu Aug 27
There's a snake among us
I sold my ticket for the Bournemouth game to another site member, but after agreeing a price (under face value, incidentally) meeting place/time etc, he didn't show up on the day and left my 78-year-old dad waiting for him outside and missing the start of the game.

He has since ignored my attempts to reach him and offered no explanation. Unfortunately for him I've used his phone number etc to find out a few extra details about him and he'll be getting a nasty surprise soon (obviously I was fuming especially because of my old man, but also because it's really low behaviour from this fella)

I wanted to get your thoughts on how I should approach this on the site. I'd like to post his name and number so no one else has to get involved with him, but that's probably not allowed. And obviously if I out him with his username he can just change it.

I should add that I've sold tickets on here many times before because I'm a STH but work a lot of weekend, and never had any problems. Most people are decent, but not this cunt.

Views please.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

danny dyer 9:49 Sat Nov 28
Re: There's a snake among us
Whose a midget? I-won?

Hugh Monteith 11:07 Sat Nov 28
Re: There's a snake among us
Loose End Hatred.what an unfunny clownsarse you are.

penners28 10:35 Sat Nov 28
Re: There's a snake among us
Ron's got a bird so doesnt text anymore

Next...backpack makes a return

Johnson 9:42 Sat Nov 28
Re: There's a snake among us
Feeling left out PD?

Private Dancer 7:12 Sat Nov 28
Re: There's a snake among us
Does i-ron text everyone on here?

Bunch of cliquey cunts.

Far Cough 3:38 Fri Nov 27
Re: There's a snake among us
I could hardly sleep that night, i kept thinking about how he goes to a cash point, or what would happen if he wasn't quick enough going through the tube turnstiles on the underground.

ag ag ag

i-Ron 3:36 Fri Nov 27
Re: There's a snake among us
Hatred sent me a picture of him and a bald midget that simply said

'Me and Dump' or something like that.

No idea why, I just believed it was actually him, and said fuck off that's him...so Hatred kept it going.

I could hardly sleep that night, i kept thinking about how he goes to a cash point, or what would happen if he wasn't quick enough going through the tube turnstiles on the underground.

Just freaky. Plus he wore some green cape thing and had a walking stick. It was all too weird for me.

Gruesome Dump 2:23 Fri Nov 27
Re: There's a snake among us
This is a new revelation.

Nurse Ratched 2:22 Fri Nov 27
Re: There's a snake among us
Dead ringer, then.

Gruesome Dump 2:18 Fri Nov 27
Re: There's a snake among us
He was a noofter? Now hang on a fucking minute.

Buster 8:57 Fri Nov 27
Re: There's a snake among us
The bloke looked WELL chuffed about it as well.

Steve P 8:33 Fri Nov 27
Re: There's a snake among us
What were the odds of finding a gay midget actor that was completely bald and vaguely resembled Dump, in a pub, in Borehamwood, who didn't mind posing for a pic with Hatred?

Johnson 8:30 Fri Nov 27
Re: There's a snake among us
What does the E stand for?


Leonard Hatred 3:21 Fri Nov 27
Re: There's a snake among us

Just so you know.

I vow, as of now, never to engage in conversation with you on this forum, ever again.


Hugh Monteith 2:46 Fri Nov 27
Re: There's a snake among us
Oh how he laughed.

Hugh Monteith 2:46 Fri Nov 27
Re: There's a snake among us
Oh how he laughed.

Leonard Hatred 11:41 Thu Nov 26
Re: There's a snake among us
I'm sat here giggling about it now.

Still makes me laugh every time I think about it.


Johnson 11:22 Thu Nov 26
Re: There's a snake among us
Poor old Ron.

Gruesome Dump 11:22 Thu Nov 26
Re: There's a snake among us
...finally he asked me whether or not I was a fucking midget.

Gruesome Dump 11:21 Thu Nov 26
Re: There's a snake among us
He was texting me, stumbling over his words, clearly with something he wanted to ask me. This went on for days.

ManorParkHammer 11:06 Thu Nov 26
Re: There's a snake among us
i-Ron freaked out by a small person?

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